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4 years, 10 months ago
Good song!
11 years, 1 month ago
Dear Genelythgow, how's it going? Quite fine here, nice one. My name's Riccardo, i'm living in Brazil and i'm making an independent documentary about the increasing of young negroes' death by murder in Brazilian State called Paraíba. Well, i'm producing on my own, with a Canon EOS C100 camera, i've spent all my Money to buy it and...finally, the point is: i loved this track, for a very good while i've been looking for something of this kind and quality. I'm taking this chance to ask you if you would let me use this sounds of yours in my ongoing production called "Negra morte morte negra" (kind a sinister title, isn't it?! But the situation is quite serious, let's say, so i needed something strong and intense). Then, please, let me know your e-mail and let's get in touch. In case i can count with better condition of production someday...i'll certainly ask you to take part of the project considering sound design and stuff. Cheers.