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Started November 20th, 2023 · 5 replies · Latest reply by frederic.font 1 year, 3 months ago
I do a lot of Ambisonics recordings with the Zoom H3VR and the Zylia ZM-1 and upload nearly everything to freesound. Until now, I uploaded only binaural (stereo for headphones) versions of my recordings because of the filesize limitation of 1 GB being a major hurdle (Ambisonics B-Format 3. Order already needs 16 channels).
So I was, and I'm still looking for another smaller/compressed fileformat that can support this. FLAC only supports 8 channels, and wavepack is not supported by freesound. So I landed on OGG Vorbis, but it seems to be that my uploaded 16 channel files are getting corrupted when uploading to freesound, despite them being just fine on my hard drive.
So I would be happy about any suggestions/solutions and also other fileformat options!
Thank you
Have you tried recently to upload files bigger than 1GB? I think it might work better than it used to do now. Let us know if it works!
Yes when I try to upload files that are just over 1 GB I get an error message.
In the interim, you could try adding a sync pop to the beginning of the 16 channel file on all channels. Then split the file into separate 8 channel files (or 4 or whatever works). Upload them as separate sounds with information in the titles/descriptions.
More work for you and the downloader, so definitely not a solution, but could be a (hopefully temporary) workaround. Just a thought...
I double checked and yes the 1GB is still in place. I tried to increase it but then I've been finding issues from time to time so it is not stable. This is something to look into in the future, but I think we're quite limited with this right now due to disk speed. I'm looking into the wavpack thing however so >8 channel files can be uploaded in a lossless format.
EDIT: I just released WavPack support, please try it and let me know if it works as expected because I only did little testing.