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I retired after nearly 50 years as a recording and mixing engineer: mostly working in broadcast, audio post for picture, and some music recording. Awards include 5 Emmy nominations, one of which resulted in a Daytime Emmy for Sound Mixing. I was also awarded gold and platinum albums (1 of each as mixer). I am a retired member of the Cinema Audio Society and inactive member of the Audio Engineering Society, and The National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences.
Main interests relative to Freesound are recordings of specific geographical locations, as well as natural or man-made exterior sounds that are "native" to specific locations. I also volunteer as a Freesound moderator.
Most of my recordings are made on a Sound Devices MixPre-6 or MixPre-10. Microphones that may be used on Freesound recordings include Josephson C700S, Josephson B617 SET (matched pair), or a pair of Michael Joly modified Oktava MK012 with three matched pairs of MK 012 capsules.