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WHIRL Productions is an independent freelance company which aims at creating films, theatre and games that help bring about a whirl of positive change: we initiate and collaborate on artistic and educational projects that are rooted in deep ecology and transdisciplinary inquiry, developing a mindset that results in better-informed life decisions and relatively more equality in our kosmos and world.
WHIRL was founded in 2009 by director/producer Bouke Mekel and is currently housed in the incubator eXosphere in Backbone050 in the city of Groningen. WHIRL mainly works with artists and educators and engages in creating media for clips, portraits and scapes, documentaries and fiction films, multimedia performances and games. These productions generally entail the editing and fine-tuning of self-/co-created scripts/prose/poetry, visual art/photography/cinematography, music/sound and choreographies. Each of these services can be provided, separately or fused with one another.