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Reid May is a freelance sound designer, engineer, and composer working in the Washington D.C. metropolitan area. His design for George Mason University's production of An Experiment with an Air Pump was awarded Best of Sound Design 2015 in DC Metro Area Theatres - (DC Metro Theatre Arts). Reid also currently works as an Audio Assistant for the Center for the Arts at George Mason University.
Reid earned a Bachelor's of Acoustic Media Studies at George Mason University in 2015 where he studied sound theory, production, and culture in several disciplines, including Theater, Music, Radio Broadcasting, and Computer Game Design. For his interdisciplinary capstone research project Reid produced an award winning radio documentary called The Isolated Listener, which investigated sound producers' perspectives of where and how their listeners are listening - in terms of technology and physical location. During his time working for the student-run radio station WGMU as the Production Director, he was awarded the Beth Kauffman Scholarship for Creativity.