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LOUD!!!!! Here's another 1911 pistol sound designed to sound like the one the Comedian used in Watchmen. Enjoy.
AIFF (.aiff)
File size
1.8 MB
Sample rate
96000.0 Hz
Bit depth
16 bit
6 years, 9 months ago
you are a pro
7 years, 2 months ago
Fantastic sound!
7 years, 2 months ago
Excellent! thanks!
Not only is it high quality and well edited, but it's also in stereo.
And the metallic clink adds allot of character! especially combined with that awesome heavy clonk at the start the way it is.
I also like the little vapor sounding echoy swish at the end; I suppose it could be an unintended artifact, a hiss sound on the original recording, but either way I think it's cool.
That awesome super wide reverb sounds allot like a giant .357 or a civil war era rifle.
Not sure how I feel about the little click clack about a half a second after the start, because it's not cinematic like the rest of the sound, but I realize that it's not easy to exclude without ruining the recording's quality with an overly heavy noise filter.
Either way it's damn powerful, who ever is firing that clearly means business. :-)
Oh and, I appreciate the (loud) warning, not enough people use that common courtesy.