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Tourists (some German) swim in Lake Eacham in Northern Queensland, Australia. The kicking splash sound was a boy on a body-board kicking along.
Scientists believe Lake Eacham was formed approximately 12,000 years ago when magma rose to the surface and heated the water table and caused crater-sized explosions. Eventually water filled the craters and the trees grew back, creating the tranquil lake used today by families and tourists for recreation. The lake is fed by underground springs so it retains a constant water level and is unaffected by drought.
Lake Eacham is 60 metres deep, and features a pontoon great for diving into the deep water. A large grassy area is terrific for picnics, sunbathing, or just watching the kids as they play in the shallow water near the edge of the lake.
Recording chain: Edirol R09HR internal mics.
Mp3 (.mp3)
File size
5.1 MB
Sample rate
44100.0 Hz
320 kbps
10 years, 7 months ago
Thanks I wanted something Aussie, family gathering for a short anim
16 years, 5 months ago
Great sound - great info - and a superb picture of the bluest of lakes.
16 years, 5 months ago
The lake...