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Outlandishly, mysteriously, other-worldly!
Here we have a weird duo, recorded on 26 April 2018 at my usual wind chimes recording spot, by Hunting Gate, at the highest point on the Hunter's Path, high up on the north side of the Teign Gorge, Drewsteignton, Devon, UK — as always, with a backdrop of the quiet rushing sound of the River Teign far below in the bottom of the valley.
Chimes used:
1. Davis Blanchard Debussy Bells (right)
2. Davis Blanchard The Blues (left)
This is one of the many fruits of my Wind Chimes in the Wild project. Perhaps perversely, I'm uploading my recordings in reverse chronological order — most recent first —, so the most 'advanced' sounds are tending to come earlier rather than later.
Detailed information about the Davis Blanchard chimes
Detailed information about the Music of the Spheres and Woodstock chimes
Birds heard include Chiffchaff, Chaffinch and Willow warbler.
Recording two Davis Blanchard chimes plus a large and small set of cheap bamboo chimes in an earlier session at the same spot (no photos for this session). The arrow points to the recorder, with its black furry windshield.
Techie stuff:
The recorder was a Sony PCM-D100, with three nested Windcut furry windshields (custom design), and it was placed on a Zipshot Mini tripod, in a position where it was tolerably sheltered from the wind.
Initial post-recording processing was to apply an EQ curve to compensate for muffling from the furry windshields.
Please remember to give this recording a rating — Thank you!
This recording can be used free of charge, provided that it's not part of a materially profit-making project, and it is properly and clearly attributed. The attribution must give my name (Philip Goddard) and link to https://freesound.org/people/Philip_Goddard/sounds/682791/
Flac (.flac)
File size
233.3 MB
Sample rate
44100.0 Hz
Bit depth
16 bit