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Pistol fired outdoors with ricochet. Single shot, fairly close, with fast fadeout. Narrow stereo image, no panning, almost monophonic.
Wholly synthesized. No weapon was fired in the making of this sound. It's an emulated sound effect of a sidearm gunshot with a cliche ricochet sound, like in the vintage Western movies and WW2 films that they showed on TV when I was a kid. Can be used in a game, perhaps, or a none-too-serious vidclip.
The sound of the pistol cartridge explosion is default FLStudio Kick, Clap and Snare slowed right down. A single tap of delay is added to lend an impression of echo off a middle distance hard surface.
The ricochet noise was made with Sytrus running as a VSTi inside FLStudio. It took an entire day of head scratching, oscillator tweaking and envelope mangling to get something that reasonably resembles a sound that I recall from the old movies. I think I'll shoot myself before I try something like this again. :)
Plus the usual FLStudio compressors, EQ, reverb and delay - nothing tricky, just standard stuff.
Ogg Vorbis (.ogg)
File size
84.9 KB
Sample rate
44100.0 Hz
264 kbps
1 year, 5 months ago
Great sound!
2 years, 7 months ago
Thank you - I gave this to a student, who is making a western song! :D
3 years, 1 month ago
Many thanks
4 years ago
You're genius for creating this sound! So thankful I find this sound effect of yours! :) P.S. Fan of Clint Eastwood Spaghetti Westerns and cowboy movies in general! :P
4 years, 1 month ago
spot on, thank you.