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May 20th, 2020
It's a really simple blast attack sound effect that I …
May 20th, 2020
It's a really simple blunt attack sound effect that I …
May 20th, 2020
It's a really simple explosion sound effect that I mad…
May 20th, 2020
It's a really simple slash attack sound effect that I …
April 6th, 2020
Can be used for when someone unlocks a chest, door, or…
April 6th, 2020
Can be used for multiple stuff, such as: dropping an i…
April 6th, 2020
When someone finds a key (pick it up/drop it/use it) e…
April 6th, 2020
A sound for when there is a notification OR a warning …
April 6th, 2020
A sound for when there is a notification on the screen…
April 6th, 2020
A sound of (equipping / dropping / picking up) a chain…
April 6th, 2020
A *big* coin (drop/pickup/give) sound. Please make su…
April 6th, 2020
A *medium* coin (drop/pickup/give) sound. Please make…