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Started February 14th, 2023 · 6 replies · Latest reply by frederic.font 1 year, 11 months ago
"I have 11 sounds uploaded so far and none of them are showing up in the search. Meaning, users are not able to view them or use them for that matter."
You are not alone!
The same to me, since days
And my yesterday post for that https://freesound.org/forum/freesound-project/43987/100634/ also doesn't work, so nobody can read it.
I know freesound is mostly maintained by volunteers and if my post came off as impatient, I'm sorry as it wasn't meant that way at all.
Basically when you find a problem, you never know if it's just you (maybe you're doing something wrong?) or is it a general problem?
In this respect my response to FOSSarts was a confirmation for him that not only he has the problem resp. to inform Freesound on a possibly general problem.
No more and no less.
Hi guys
The search is a bit janky right now. Apparently it's a bug that was introduced recently. Frederic Font is in the process of fixing it. We'll let you know when it's working as expected again.
Thank you all for your contributions.
Seelengold wrote:And my yesterday post for that also doesn't work, so nobody can read it.
Hello Headphaze,
many thanks for your reply with information and the moving of my original thread into the correct sub-forum (I was simply unsure about the correct one).
Hi everyone,
There was a bug a sounds were not being indexed for a few days. Now I have reindexed all these sound and they should appear correctly! (it might still take a couple of hours for some sounds but all that I tried appear nicely).