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Sound grab of a Lifepak 12 ECG Monitor / Defibrillator. Beeps and voice prompts. Borrowed while I was working on a defib tester. It does a bunch of other stuff like invasive BP and was having general printing issues but ... I don't remember what the record chain was.
Wave (.wav)
File size
76.0 MB
Sample rate
48000.0 Hz
Bit depth
32 bit
4 months, 2 weeks ago
Thanks for the sound! I will be using it in my small resus sim. I couldn't get that audio quality on my phone when I am in work...
1 year ago
Great effect, thanks. (I hope they sound the same in Australia.)
5 years, 6 months ago
this is perfect for my next audio drama in S1-E10.
Your track title and a link will be listed in the liner notes when published.
When it releases 8/28/19 at Midnight you'll be able to hear it here:
6 years ago
@patrickwanek That's great. Listening back 5 years later it occurs to me I needed to trigger the unit into saying "shock advised". I was developing a Defib Tester at the time, which could simulate the kinds of heart pattern necessary. At the time, that was normal and we had this thing just hanging around the office.
6 years, 6 months ago
Thank you soooo much for CC0! I will use this in a short film called Fade to Black.