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Hand operated cable/chain ferry across small Dommel river in ‘s-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands. See picture to see position hydrophones. On the other side of the river, to the left of the cottage, you will see the small ferry. In this recording it comes in my direction.
About the ferry;
There is a hand-operated cable ferry connecting the nature reserve with the ‘s-Hertogenbosch mid-level city wall. You have to turn the wheel to drive the ferry.
This small ferry forms a link in a walking route along the outside of the old fortified city of Den Bosch. The old nickname of the fortress was chosen as the name for the ferry: de Moerasdraak 'the Swamp Dragon'.
More recordings today / More hydrophone recordings
Date/time: July 26th 2022, 16:14 pm
Location; cable ferry Dommel river, Vughterweg, ‘s-Hertogenbosch (Den Bosch), Noord-Brabant, Netherlands (Holland), Europe. GPS 51.68218 5.29469
Gear chain: two Aquarian Audio Hydrophones H2a XLR 3m, 50cm deep, AB300 setup> Tascam dr-100 Mk2. Compressed with Audacity.
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Wave (.wav)
File size
48.6 MB
Sample rate
48000.0 Hz
Bit depth
24 bit