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Door Slamming Hard. Original Sound without reverb.
Wave (.wav)
File size
729.0 KB
Sample rate
44100.0 Hz
Bit depth
16 bit
2 years, 1 month ago
Really nice! I'm using it for the sound of the sarcophagus being slammed shut on Lorraine in an audio production of "The Man Who Came to Dinner". You can hear it in about a week at www.naradaradio.libsyn.com
2 years, 3 months ago
Dear Adriann,
we have used your perfect sound for chapter 2 from our radioplay "Aus dem Leben einer Abenteurerin", based on the life of Catalina de Erauso.
Thank you so much!
If you wish, you can listen to it at https://www.fce-lu.com/hoerspiel
Kind regards,
Idoia & Josy
2 years, 8 months ago
Thank you, dear sir. Your sacrifice will not be for nothing
2 years, 9 months ago
Anyone know how to open the door after you slam it?
3 years, 2 months ago
many thanks!