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another FM tone that modulates at the base frequency, however this time I layered several instances of the modulator and EQed them differently. If you use the parametric EQ module and select 'off' for the filter type, it seems to act like an allpass filter instead of null. So I allpassed each instance of the wave differently and inverted some, and this was the result. There's a patch for this, but it will probably not sound exactly the same due to the state of the synth changing each time it's opened up
if you want to try out the patch in Blok Modular, go here https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Y1clkvNVs32xSXbd3srPdBoTYYslq4JT?usp=drive_link and choose the zip called phasetone.zip. I've also included a zip of Blok Modular, which works in Jeskola Buzz only
Wave (.wav)
File size
1.5 MB
Sample rate
44100.0 Hz
Bit depth
24 bit