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12 months ago
Hi ! I think I used this sound in the Muma|Rope project on the Isle of Seasons map
I wouldn't have thought about frying sounds if you didn't mention it could be used for rain, yet it is very suitable.
(It's a yume-nikki fangame ; if you wanna play it for real, it's better to play it by downloading it, to avoid some bugs https://www.rpg-maker.fr/jeux-1029-mumarope.html)
3 years, 12 months ago
Odd, it looks like the artefacts are gone when using audacity to read the file. Nevermind then i guess ^^'
3 years, 12 months ago
For rain ambience all right ! Thanks
I noticed that on some (if not all?) of your field recordings (including this one), there appear to be very sharp artefact-like sounds (they sound like birds).
It's actually possible you can't hear them, as they are extremely high-pitched.