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It's just as it says ;) actually I had a hard time finding one like this, so I took a bunch of royalty free public domain small fires and added them all together in Sony Vegas Pro! Pretty Awesome! You can even hear the ceiling falling in around you! I am using this for my audio drama Coral Island Adventures!
Wave (.wav)
File size
3.9 MB
Sample rate
44100.0 Hz
Bit depth
24 bit
10 years, 9 months ago
Thanks for this. It'll be very useful.
10 years, 10 months ago
Very nice! Just what I was looking for. Thank you.
10 years, 10 months ago
Wow. This is so great. Looked around for several fire tracks until I found this. Thank you so much!
11 years ago
You could add more elements for bass and treble but the sound itself as a bed track is excellent. Take the falling debris section for example. You could thrown on some wood straining sounds at the top and some extra debris at the end but all of that detail is best added later in the context of whatever one would want to use that sound for (a play, film,cartoon, radio drama etc.). Likewise with the flame sound itself. Right now it sits at near perfect middle for use with dialogue or voice overs.
Widening it with stereo and discreetly placed spatial elements would make it immediately more present but might make it harder to use against visuals. I'm looking at it as an editor. A sound engineer would hear it differently. If you were to push some of frequencies a common mistake is to push the midrange. This might make it sound clearer but would probably interfere with any other elements like voice or music. You've done a good job of this one. I was actually a little surprised by this one. Sustained fire tracks are difficult.
11 years, 1 month ago
Perhaps I could have added a deeper bass to this? What do you think? Clarity? Quality? Critique away as this is my first time to upload a sound...professional or no? And how can is be better? ;)