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Started May 14th, 2024 · 7 replies · Latest reply by RandomRecord19 9 months, 2 weeks ago
Sorry for self promo, I figured the project might interest some people here given it's a music of layered sounds, although composed.
I made a noise track a while back. 100% composed and trimmed on a Zoom H5, although I used different microphones and plugged a bass directly in it.
So kind of a experimental project, I guess this has blurry lines between field recording and music?
I know some people do some "sound capsules" with snippets and maybe some overlaid sounds. Id like to make a DJ set out of field recordings some day.
But for now this project :
For context
This project came to be because I listened to some noise music and figured "it can't be that hard" and as usual, when I think than and try it for myself it turns out harder than anticipated and I end up enjoying it more lol.
So I wanted to do a 4 song noise album.
First sone fully composed using overdub (full experimental)
Second one with samples only in a daw (quantized)
Third would be a sample and synth (acoustic and electronic)
Fourth Full electronic in daw.
I only made the first so far x')
This is cool, recently I made noise and experimental tracks too.
Watched your video, its really funny Creative stuff and camera setting^^
I bet you like abstract art too or sounds..
look at this:
Please do share your tracks!
Not sure like is the word, but I am curious enough to give experimental stuff a "what is this about" and enjoy a sort of sub surface level thing. Like I have listened to noise albums not because the sound is enjoyable, but there's a "what's being done here, what's the overall progression or intention of the artist in this seemingly chaotic nonesense". Dunno if that makes sense.
Looking at the video : What they had granular synthesis in 1975?!
Here is something:
Its funny but I think noise tracks or abstract sounds have a wonderful
and very unique/strange character, and in my ears its like to
dive into an unknown world full of new unheard things
and pathways that are not known...like an adventure out in the wild..
Its beauty, but in the imperfect mabye.