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Started March 12th, 2005 · 8 replies · Latest reply by Anton 19 years, 10 months ago
Hi guys & gals,
very cool place this. Im sure its gonna be huge. I was just wandering about the title 'uploader' it feels slightly awkward to me, because with all my sounds im a lot more then just an uploader. Im the creator, the 'artists' if you will. Although I love sharing my stuff I also feel like you are not made aware enough of who created and then shared his work with you by calling him the uploader.
Weird, im sure i saw it everywhere yesterday, but now i cant find it anymore. :-/
Although "File added by: ...." Doesnt sound much better to me.
actually, i dont have any good suggestions, perhaps sound designer?
mmmm, i think it is not the best since that is not representative enough for all the people who is going to use freesound. Not everyone here is or would like to be considereed/defined as "sound designer"
I do not think that the term "uploader" is trying to define the user in it's whole self, we can provide more information about ourselves on the taglines and userinfo, "uploader" is just used as a reference to what we all do here, wich is upload samples.
Being (not only, of course) "uploaders" is something surely common to everyone here, as it could be freesounder, user, contributor (not sure if this word is correct)...
In my oppinion if that needs to change , it should change to something really representative for everyone.
Well creating samples is something i would attribute to sound designers, whether people like it or not . Since we release this under creative commons licence not only do we have in that we uploaded samples, but also that we created them. Theres only one or two excemptions i can think of for this; historic material that is now public domain, and stuff done by friends that you can share.
However, i do agree that it sound be representative for everybody.