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Started December 27th, 2011 · 37 replies · Latest reply by AlienXXX 13 years, 1 month ago
Hello Freesounders !
Don't worry... I won't be asking for a Chistmas music!
Still I would like to do something that relates to Christmas, but in a totally different perspective...
With all the Christmas presents comes all that wrapping and packaging... most often than not it goes straight in the rubish... I am hoping that some of it is still around as I am asking you to record sounds made with packaging...
There is another type of sounds that I am interested in... Often you get or buy for yourself a Christmas present that is replacing something old. That something will end up in the rubish, or put in a box and thrown in the attick/basement/garage...
Could you record some sounds from that old thing you are about to throw away, give away or put away?
So... You may have figured it out - this dare will have two components: First record sounds and upload. Second do something with those sounds...
IMPORTANT NOTE: people who have not recorded sounds will be allowed to enter the second part of the dare.
The rules you need to know at this stage:
1) record and upload sounds from either Christmas presents packaging or something old that you are going to throw away, give away or put away.
2) NO PROCESSING OF SOUNDS ALLOWED - except for 'clean up' of the recordings. So trimming recordings, filtering off noise or a bit of compression are allowed. Everything else is not allowed (save it for part 2 of the dare!)
3) You can record both types of sounds above. Maximum duration for each sound is 30 seconds. Maximum number of sounds to be submitted is 20 sounds.
4) YOU MUST TAG THE SOUNDS WITH "dare-9". If they are not tagged they will not be used and will not be counted. Please also note that you need the "-" as shown "dare-9"... If you type "dare 9" Freesound will interpret it as two separate tags "dare" and "9"...
5) POST ON THIS THREAD TO LET ME KNOW YOU HAVE UPLOADED SOME "dare-9" SOUNDS. - this way I can go in and approve these samples quickly.
6) Last day for uploading sounds will be 10 Jan 2012.
7) I know not everyone can (or wants to) record sounds. I wuld encourage you to, even if all you have is a cheap webmic. But... you don't have to: you can enter only the second part of the dare and use sounds that others have uploaded.
Now... I won't make this a rule, but a request: Be creative! Especially when recording the packaging sounds. Yeah sure... do record the "me hitting a cardboard box with my hand", why not? But do not limit yourself to this. Try to come up with something unique, and remember NO PROCESSING of the sounds allowed.
The only rule you need to know about this is that you will not be allowed to use your own sounds, eh eh eh...
Here are all the sounds in one place:
Coming from my background, Christmas isn't really celebrated by me in the way it is in most countries. So I have only once in my life received a gift on Christmas. However, this year, I gifted someone on a birthday, and the gift wrapper / packaging material I used was a blue colored one with snow-flakes on it. In all my recordings that is the paper I have used and I hope that qualifies me for part-I of the Christmas-y dare. Nothing I've ever gifted myself on Christmas, so don't have anything on that front either.
I have a total of 9 very generic packaging paper related sounds, and all have been tagged as dare-9. They can also be found under a pack called "freesound.org dare dare-9" under my profile once they are approved. I might add more sounds to this dare (most, most probably not, consider these to be my final sounds), and if I do so, I will add another post to this thread.
Good luck everyone! I look forward to all the entries in this dare!
afleetingspeck wrote:
Coming from my background, Christmas isn't really celebrated by me in the way it is in most countries.
In reality... it is all an excuse to get you guys to record some sounds for us to use as part of a dare.
@ afleetingspeck
@ klankbeeld
So far only you two have contributed sounds for this dare.
These sounds are great! Listenning to them I have already ideas comming up on how to use them!
@ afleetingspeck
Loved it how you compared the sound of rubbing paper to the sound of marching.
This is precisely the type of creativeness i was looking for on the recording of these sounds.
@ klankbeeld
Good selection of sounds!
Thank you both
I added 9 more sounds to the same pack. I am not sure whether a couple of them can be approved, but hopefully they are!
afleetingspeck wrote:
I added 9 more sounds to the same pack. I am not sure whether a couple of them can be approved, but hopefully they are!
Oh yes they are! All sounds approved!
The whole point of asking people to upload sounds was to get them to be creative. Well done!
not much from me, but better than nothing
A broken crackling music box, that someone sent to me as a present. I am kind of interpreting the rules a little bit loose, because it is not thrown away by myself and i did not getting something new instead. It is the thrown-away and the gift oneself
They are recordings of the sound that a banana packaging box makes if plugged like a string-instruments. It was the packaging of a few gifts together
Hopefully more soon...
one more:
crumpling a piece of silver foil
A broken crackling music box, that someone sent to me as a present. I am kind of interpreting the rules a little bit loose, because it is not thrown away by myself and i did not getting something new instead. It is the thrown-away and the gift oneself
Well... I thought about this...
I said in the rules "something you are throwing away, putting away or giving away"
Well... I guess if you are giving it away, someone receives it. So, in this case... that someone is you!
The whole idea was really to get this type of sounds - old or broken stuff. So, great!
I'm having so much fun recording these...and have two thoughts before I finish and upload them.
How does everyone feel about a sound I recorded Christmas Eve...my family cooked goose and I have some great recordings of the fat boiling while it was rendering. While none of this goose was wasted (not even that fat) throuwing away useable food is my biggest waste pet-peeve. This is tangential to the rules, should I upload it in my dare-9 pack? (If anyone just wants to hear it I should be uploading it soon, I have to clean up some parts).
Also, and this just made me sad, I thought of some really great things I wish I could record but then realized that they would all require breaking apart the things that are going to be re-purposed or donated as a result of my family's Christmas and then they really would be waste. But I SUPER wish I could donate my old mattress missing one spring and record some fun, percussive sounds with it.
Well, you are predisposed to thinking that you need to break the things apart ("... would require..."). How about the other way around?
You could try to do something without having to break them (lol, I think that's where AlienXXX wanted us to get creative) and come up with some weird sounds? I wouldn't mind working with that.
Just a suggestion.
afleetingspeck wrote:
Well, you are predisposed to thinking that you need to break the things apart ("... would require...")
You're right years making weird sounds by breaking apart/playing with scraps in a woodshop have predisposed me to those sounds. I'll try to think of some way to get better recordings of the mattress in question in the next few days, actually speaking of woodshop some sawhorses might come in very helpfull, hmmmmm...
By the way I loved your sounds playing the guitar with the roll of packaging paper!
Thakns to everyone still working to provide some sounds. Remember the deadline is 10 jan
Jgeralyn, i think the cooking sounds are perhaps out of context for the dare. Please upload but do not tag with dare-9.
(maybe we should have a cooking sounds dare at some point!) (wink)
Anyone posting sounds for the dare please put a note on this thread saying so.
I will then make sure they get approved quickly. Thanks.
AlienXXX wrote:
Thakns to everyone still working to provide some sounds. Remember the deadline is 10 jan![]()
Jgeralyn, i think the cooking sounds are perhaps out of context for the dare. Please upload but do not tag with dare-9.
(maybe we should have a cooking sounds dare at some point!) (wink)Anyone posting sounds for the dare please put a note on this thread saying so.
I will then make sure they get approved quickly. Thanks.
Thank you for adding my sounds so quick.... fastest moderation ever
I'm hoping to add more before deadline, but sadly i haven't got as much time as i could hope for these days. Anyway, i hope to add more, and i hope that others join in as well
I have played the nasty boy for dare-9. All for the community. Video not available.
have fun.
klankbeeld wrote:
I have played the nasty boy for dare-9. All for the community. Video not available.
http://www.freesound.org/people/klankbeeld/sounds/140886/have fun.
Man, didn't expect this from you!
I was expecting some crazy and original sounds - but this was totally unnexpected.
Well, at least you can say that this is one sound you definetely "made yourself" !
By the way... I am not sure this sound is well in the context of the dare. But anyway...
Hi everyone, I also added one sound, tagged as dare-9: