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Started February 1st, 2023 · 4 replies · Latest reply by Headphaze 1 year, 10 months ago
When I loaded for the first time and filled in everything to finish, it told me:
Server Error
Ouch.. we screwed something up! You found some part of Freesound that's broken.
Luckily, we'll get an email about it and we'll try to fix it as soon as possible. In the meantime, try some other parts of the website we haven't managed to break yet.
Django is sad... sorry about that! (nginx 500 internal server error)
When I tried the third way to make the upload work, everything went as it should. When I finished, it wrote that the file was received and so on, but when I checked to see if the file went well, it wrote the other way:
Roundabout, working machine and traffic.wav. Uploaded on Feb. 1, 2023, 11:39 a.m. Failed processing x
Hey there, sorry I'm late seeing this.
I just checked and you don't have any sounds that failed processing associated with your account.
I also don't see a file named "Roundabout, working machine and traffic.wav" on your profile. But I see you've managed to upload successfully since this post was created.
Did you attempt to upload this particular sound again since you had it fail?
Roundabout, working machine and traffic.wav It's here:
When I reported the error two months ago, there were no problems.
Regards, Renato