- Resources
- Search resources
- Sound resources
- Sound Instance
- Sound Analysis
- Similar Sounds
- Sound Comments
- Download Sound (OAuth2 required)
- Upload Sound (OAuth2 required)
- Describe Sound (OAuth2 required)
- Pending Uploads (OAuth2 required)
- Edit Sound Description (OAuth2 required)
- Bookmark Sound (OAuth2 required)
- Rate Sound (OAuth2 required)
- Comment Sound (OAuth2 required)
- User resources
- Pack resources
- Other resources
Search resources¶
When using the search resources make sure to include the fields
parameter (see Response (sound list))
so that you get all needed metadata for each search result in a single request. In this way you’ll avoid having to perform
one extra API request to retrieve the desired metadata for each individual result.
Text Search¶
GET /apiv2/search/text/
This resource allows searching sounds in Freesound by matching their tags and other kinds of metadata.
Request parameters (text search parameters)¶
Text search queries are defined using the following request parameters:
Name | Type | Description |
query |
string | The query! The query is the main parameter used to define a query. You can type several terms separated by spaces or phrases wrapped inside quote ‘”’ characters. For every term, you can also use ‘+’ and ‘-’ modifier characters to indicate that a term is “mandatory” or “prohibited” (by default, terms are considered to be “mandatory”). For example, in a query such as query=term_a -term_b , sounds including term_b will not match the search criteria. The query does a weighted search over some sound properties including sound tags, the sound name, its description, pack name and the sound id. Therefore, searching for query=123 will find you sounds with id 1234, sounds that have 1234 in the description, in the tags, etc. You’ll find some examples below. Using an empty query (query= or query="" ) will return all Freesound sounds. |
filter |
string | Allows filtering query results. See below for more information. |
sort |
string | Indicates how query results should be sorted. See below for a list of the sorting options. By default sort=score . |
group_by_pack |
bool (yes=1, no=0) | This parameter represents a boolean option to indicate whether to collapse results belonging to sounds of the same pack into single entries in the results list. If group_by_pack=1 and search results contain more than one sound that belongs to the same pack, only one sound for each distinct pack is returned (sounds with no packs are returned as well). However, the returned sound will feature two extra properties to access these other sounds omitted from the results list: n_from_same_pack : indicates how many other results belong to the same pack (and have not been returned) more_from_same_pack : uri pointing to the list of omitted sound results of the same pack (also including the result which has already been returned). See examples below. By default group_by_pack=0 . |
weights |
string | Allows definition of custom weights when matching queries with sound metadata fields. You should most likely never use that :) |
The ‘filter’ parameter
Search results can be filtered by specifying a series of properties that sounds should match.
In other words, using the filter
parameter you can specify the value that certain sound fields should have in order to be considered valid search results.
Filters are defined with a syntax like filter=fieldname:value fieldname:value
(that is the Solr filter syntax).
Use double quotes for multi-word queries (filter=fieldname:"val ue"
Filter names can be any of the following:
Filter name | Type | Description |
id |
integer | Sound ID on Freesound. |
username |
string | Username of the sound uploader (not tokenized). |
created |
date | Date in which the sound was added to Freesound (see date example filters below). |
original_filename |
string | Name given to the sound (tokenized). |
description |
string | Textual description given to the sound (tokenized). |
tag |
string | Tag |
license |
string | Name of the Creative Commons license, one of[“Attribution”, “Attribution NonCommercial”, “Creative Commons 0”]. |
is_remix |
boolean | Whether the sound is a remix of another Freesound sound. |
was_remixed |
boolean | Whether the sound has remixes in Freesound. |
pack |
string | Pack name (not tokenized). |
pack_tokenized |
string | Pack name (tokenized). |
is_geotagged |
boolean | Whether the sound has geotag information. |
type |
string | Original file type, one off [“wav”, “aiff”, “ogg”, “mp3”, “m4a”, “flac”]. |
duration |
numerical | Duration of sound in seconds. |
bitdepth |
integer | Encoding bitdepth. WARNING is not to be trusted right now. |
bitrate |
numerical | Encoding bitrate. WARNING is not to be trusted right now. |
samplerate |
integer | Samplerate. |
filesize |
integer | File size in bytes. |
channels |
integer | Number of channels in sound (mostly 1 or 2). |
md5 |
string | 32-byte md5 hash of file |
num_downloads |
integer | Number of times the sound has been downloaded. |
avg_rating |
numerical | Average rating for the sound in the range [0, 5]. |
num_ratings |
integer | Number of times the sound has been rated. |
comment |
string | Textual content of the comments of a sound (tokenized). The filter is satisfied if sound contains the filter value in at least one of its comments. |
num_comments |
integer | Number of times the sound has been commented. |
Additionally, the following filters (coming from the research carried out within the AudioCommons project) can also be used when narrowing down a query:
Filter name | Type | Description |
ac_loudness |
numerical | The integrated (overall) loudness (LUFS) measured using the EBU R128 standard. |
ac_dynamic_range |
numerical | Loudness range (dB, LU) measured using the EBU R128 standard. |
ac_temporal_centroid |
numerical | Temporal centroid (sec.) of the audio signal. It is the point in time in a signal that is a temporal balancing point of the sound event energy. |
ac_log_attack_time |
numerical | The log (base 10) of the attack time of a signal envelope. The attack time is defined as the time duration from when the sound becomes perceptually audible to when it reaches its maximum intensity. |
ac_single_event |
boolean | Whether the audio file contains one single audio event or more than one. This computation is based on the loudness of the signal and does not do any frequency analysis. |
ac_tonality |
string | Key value estimated by key detection algorithm. Key is in format root_note scale where root_note is one of [“A”, “A#”, “B”, “C”, “C#”, “D”, “D#”, “E”, “F”, “F#”, “G”, “G#”], and scale is one of [“major”, “minor”]. E.g. “C minor”, “F# major”. |
ac_tonality_confidence |
numerical | Reliability of the key estimation in a range of [0, 1]. |
ac_loop |
boolean | Whether audio file is loopable. |
ac_tempo |
integer | BPM value estimated by beat tracking algorithm. |
ac_tempo_confidence |
numerical | Reliability of the tempo estimation in a range of [0, 1]. |
ac_note_midi |
integer | MIDI value corresponding to the estimated note (makes more sense for ac_single_event sounds). |
ac_note_name |
string | Pitch note name based on median of estimated fundamental frequency (makes more sense for ac_single_event sounds). Note name must be one of [“A”, “A#”, “B”, “C”, “C#”, “D”, “D#”, “E”, “F”, “F#”, “G”, “G#”] and the octave number. E.g. “A4”, “E#7”. |
ac_note_frequency |
numerical | Frequency corresponding to the estimated note (makes more sense for ac_single_event sounds). |
ac_note_confidence |
numerical | Reliability of the note name/midi/frequency estimation in a range of [0, 1]. |
ac_brightness |
numerical | Brightness of the analyzed audio in a scale from [0-100]. A bright sound is one that is clear/vibrant and/or contains significant high-pitched elements. |
ac_depth |
numerical | Depth of the analyzed audio in a scale from [0-100]. A deep sound is one that conveys the sense of having been made far down below the surface of its source. |
ac_hardness |
numerical | Hardness of the analyzed audio in a scale from [0-100]. A hard sound is one that conveys the sense of having been made (i) by something solid, firm or rigid; or (ii) with a great deal of force. |
ac_roughness |
numerical | Roughness of the analyzed audio in a scale from [0-100]. A rough sound is one that has an uneven or irregular sonic texture. |
ac_boominess |
numerical | Boominess of the analyzed sound in a scale from [0-100]. A boomy sound is one that conveys a sense of loudness, depth and resonance. |
ac_warmth |
numerical | Warmth of the analyzed sound in a scale from [0-100]. A warm sound is one that promotes a sensation analogous to that caused by a physical increase in temperature. |
ac_sharpness |
numerical | Sharpness of the analyzed sound in a scale from [0-100]. A sharp sound is one that suggests it might cut if it were to take on physical form. |
ac_reverb |
boolean | Whether the signal is reverberated or not. |
For numeric or integer filters, a range can also be specified using the following syntax (the “TO” needs to be upper case!):
filter=fieldname:[start TO end]
filter=fieldname:[* TO end]
filter=fieldname:[start to \*]
Dates can have ranges (and math) too (the “TO” needs to be upper case!):
filter=created:[* TO NOW]
filter=created:[1976-03-06T23:59:59.999Z TO *]
filter=created:[1995-12-31T23:59:59.999Z TO 2007-03-06T00:00:00Z]
filter=created:[NOW-1YEAR/DAY TO NOW/DAY+1DAY]
filter=created:[1976-03-06T23:59:59.999Z TO 1976-03-06T23:59:59.999Z+1YEAR]
filter=created:[1976-03-06T23:59:59.999Z/YEAR TO 1976-03-06T23:59:59.999Z]
Simple logic operators can also be used in filters:
filter=type:(wav OR aiff)
filter=description:(piano AND note)
See below for some examples!
The ‘sort’ parameter
The sort
parameter determines how the results are sorted, and can only be one
of the following.
Option | Explanation |
score | Sort by a relevance score returned by our search engine (default). |
duration_desc | Sort by the duration of the sounds, longest sounds first. |
duration_asc | Same as above, but shortest sounds first. |
created_desc | Sort by the date of when the sound was added. newest sounds first. |
created_asc | Same as above, but oldest sounds first. |
downloads_desc | Sort by the number of downloads, most downloaded sounds first. |
downloads_asc | Same as above, but least downloaded sounds first. |
rating_desc | Sort by the average rating given to the sounds, highest rated first. |
rating_asc | Same as above, but lowest rated sounds first. |
The ‘weights’ parameter
The weights
parameter can be used to define custom weights when matching queries with sound metadata fields. You can use any of the field names listed above
(although some might not make sense when preparing a query) and specify integer weights for each field using the following syntax:
If the format is not correct, custom weights will not be applied. The default weights are something like id:4,tag:4,description:3,original_filename:2,username:2,pack:2
Filter queries using geotagging data
Text-based search also supports filtering query results using geotagging data. For example, you can retrieve sounds that were recorded near a particular location or filter the results of a query to those sounds recorded in a geospatial area. Note that not all sounds in Freesound are geotagged, and the results of such queries will only include geotagged sounds. In general, you can define geotagging queries in two ways:
1) By specifying a point in space and a maximum distance: this way lets you specify a latitude and longitude target point, and a maximum distance (in km) from that point. Query results will only include those points contained in the area. You can use the
parameter of a standard query to specify latitude, longitude and maximum distance using the following syntax:filter={!geofilt sfield=geotag pt=<LATITUDE>,<LONGITUDE> d=<MAX_DISTANCE_IN_KM>}2) By specifying an arbitrary rectangle in space: this way lets you define a rectangle in space by specifying a minimum latitude and longitude, and a maximum latitude and longitude. Query results will only include those points contained in the area. You can use the
parameter of a standard query to specify minimum and maximum latitude and longitude using the following syntax:filter=geotag:["<MINIMUM_LATITUDE>, <MINIMUM_LONGITUDE>" TO "<MAXIMUM_LONGITUDE> <MAXIMUM_LATITUDE>"]Minimum and maximum latitude and longitude define the lower left and upper right corners of the rectangle as shown below. Besides
you can also useIsDisjointTo
, which will return all sounds geotagged outside the rectangle.
Please refer to the Solr documentation on spatial queries for extra information ( and check the examples below.
Response (sound list)¶
Search resource returns a sound list response. Sound list responses have the following structure:
"count": <total number of results>,
"next": <link to the next page of results (null if none)>,
"results": [
<sound result #1 info>,
<sound result #2 info>,
<sound result #page_size info>
"previous": <link to the previous page of results (null if none)>
There are some extra request parameters that you can use to determine some of the contents of the sound list response.
These parameters are page
and page_size
(to deal with pagination), and fields
, descriptors
and normalized
to deal with the sound information that is returned for every sound in the results.
Name | Type | Description |
page |
string | Query results are paginated, this parameter indicates what page should be returned. By default page=1 . |
page_size |
string | Indicates the number of sounds per page to include in the result. By default page_size=15 , and the maximum is page_size=150 . Note that with bigger page_size , more data will need to be transferred. |
fields |
comma separated strings | Indicates which sound properties should be included in every sound of the response. Sound properties can be any of those listed in Response (sound instance) (plus an additional field score which returns a matching score added by the search engine), and must be separated by commas. For example, if fields=name,score,avg_rating,license , results will include sound name, search engine score in relation the query, average rating and license for every returned sound. Use this parameter to optimize request time by only requesting the information you really need. |
descriptors |
comma separated strings | Indicates which sound content-based descriptors should be included in every sound of the response. This parameter will have no effect if analysis property is not included in the fields request parameter. Descriptor names can be any of those listed in available-descriptors, and must be separated by commas. For example, if fields=analysis&descriptors=lowlevel.spectral_centroid,lowlevel.barkbands.mean , the response will include, for every returned sound, all statistics of the spectral centroid descriptor and the mean of the barkbands. Descriptor values are included in the response inside the analysis sound property (see the examples). analysis might be null if no valid descriptor names are found or the analysis data of a particular sound is not available. |
normalized |
bool (yes=1, no=0) | Indicates whether the returned sound content-based descriptors should be normalized or not. normalized=1 will return normalized descriptor values. By default, normalized=0 . |
If fields
is not specified, a minimal set of information for every sound result is returned by default.
This includes the id of the sound, the name and tags of the sound, the username of the user that uploaded the sound and the license
(i.e. by default fields=id,name,tags,username,license
Simple search:"bass%20drum"%20-double
Search with a filter:"heavy%20distortion"
Simple search and selection of sound fields to return in the results:,previews,previews,analysis&descriptors=lowlevel.spectral_centroid.mean,lowlevel.pitch.mean,analysis&descriptors=rhythm.onset_times
Group search results by pack:
Get geotagged sounds with tag field-recording. Return only geotag and tags for each result:,tags
Basic geospatial filtering:"Intersects(-74.093%2041.042%20-69.347%2044.558)""IsDisjointTo(-74.093%2041.042%20-69.347%2044.558)"
Geospatial with customizable max error parameter (in degrees) and combinations of filters:"Intersects(-74.093%2041.042%20-69.347%2044.558)%20distErr=20""Intersects(-80%2040%20-60%2050)"%20OR%20geotag:"Intersects(60%2040%20100%2050)"&fields=id,geotag,tags"Intersects(-80%2040%20-60%2050)"%20OR%20geotag:"Intersects(60%2040%20100%2050)")%20AND%20tag:field-recording&fields=id,geotag,tags
Geospatial search for points at a maximum distance d (in km) from a latitude,longitude position and with a particular tag:,2.1833%20d=10%7D%20tag:barcelona&fields=id,geotag,tags
Content Search (deprecated)¶
GET /apiv2/search/content/
POST /apiv2/search/content/
This resource allows searching sounds in Freesound based on their content descriptors.
As of December 2023, this resource is deprecated and will be removed in the comming months. Similar functionality will be achievable using the Text Search resource. Documentation about how to do this will be added in due time but in the meantime, please contact us if you need help with this.
Request parameters (content search parameters)¶
Content search queries are defined using the following request parameters:
Name | Type | Description |
target |
string or number | This parameter defines a target based on content-based descriptors to sort the search results. It can be set as a number of descriptor name and value pairs, or as a sound id. See below. |
analysis_file |
file | Experimental - Alternatively, targets can be specified by uploading a file with the output of the Essentia Freesound Extractor analysis of any sound that you analyzed locally (see below). This parameter overrides target , and requires the use of POST method. |
descriptors_filter |
string | This parameter allows filtering query results by values of the content-based descriptors. See below for more information. |
The ‘target’ and ‘analysis_file’ parameters
The target
parameter can be used to specify a content-based sorting of your search results.
Using target
you can sort the query results so that the first results will be the sounds featuring the most similar descriptors to the given target.
To specify a target you must use a syntax like target=descriptor_name:value
You can also set multiple descriptor/value pairs in a target separating them with spaces (target=descriptor_name:value descriptor_name:value
Descriptor names must be chosen from those listed in available-descriptors. Only numerical descriptors are allowed.
Multidimensional descriptors with fixed-length (that always have the same number of dimensions) are allowed too (see below).
Consider the following two target
(A) target=lowlevel.pitch.mean:220
(B) target=lowlevel.pitch.mean:220 lowlevel.pitch.var:0
Example A will sort the query results so that the first results will have a mean pitch as close to 220Hz as possible. Example B will sort the query results so that the first results will have a mean pitch as close to 220Hz as possible and a pitch variance as close as possible to 0. In that case example B will promote sounds that have a steady pitch close to 220Hz.
Multidimensional descriptors can also be used in the target
Alternatively, target
can also be set to point to a Freesound sound.
In that case the descriptors of the sound will be used as the target for the query, therefore query results will be sorted according to their similarity to the targeted sound.
To set a sound as a target of the query you must use the sound id. For example, to use sound with id 1234 as target:
There is even another way to specify a target for the query, which is by uploading an analysis file generated using the Essentia Freesound Extractor.
For doing that you will need to download and compile Essentia (we recommend using release 2.0.1), an open source feature extraction library developed at the Music Technology Group (,
and use the ‘streaming_extractor_freesound’ example to analyze any sound you have in your local computer.
As a result, the extractor will create a JSON file that you can use as target in your Freesound API content search queries.
To use this file as target you will need to use the POST method (instead of GET) and attach the file as an analysis_file
POST parameter (see example below).
Setting the target as an analysis_file
allows you to to find sounds in Freesound that are similar to any other sound that you have in your local computer and that it is not part of Freesound.
When using analysis_file
, the contents of target
are ignored. Note that this feature is experimental. Some users reported not being able to generate compatible analysis files.
Note that if target
(or analysis_file
) is not used in combination with descriptors_filter
, the results of the query will
include all sounds from Freesound indexed in the similarity server, sorted by similarity to the target.
The ‘descriptors_filter’ parameter
The descriptors_filter
parameter is used to restrict the query results to those sounds whose content descriptor values match with the defined filter.
To define descriptors_filter
parameter you can use the same syntax as for the normal filter
parameter, including numeric ranges and simple logic operators.
For example, descriptors_filter=lowlevel.pitch.mean:220
will only return sounds that have an EXACT pitch mean of 220hz.
Note that this would probably return no results as a sound will rarely have that exact pitch (might be very close like 219.999 or 220.000001 but not exactly 220).
For this reason, in general it might be better to indicate descriptors_filter
using ranges.
Descriptor names must be chosen from those listed in available-descriptors.
Note that most of the descriptors provide several statistics (var, mean, min, max…). In that case, the descriptor name must include also the desired statistic (see examples below).
Non fixed-length descriptors are not allowed.
Some examples of descriptors_filter
for numerical descriptors:
descriptors_filter=lowlevel.pitch.mean:[219.9 TO 220.1]
descriptors_filter=lowlevel.pitch.mean:[219.9 TO 220.1] AND lowlevel.pitch_salience.mean:[0.6 TO *]
descriptors_filter=lowlevel.mfcc.mean[0]:[-1124 TO -1121]
descriptors_filter=lowlevel.mfcc.mean[1]:[17 TO 20] AND lowlevel.mfcc.mean[4]:[0 TO 20]
Note how in the last two examples the filter operates in a particular dimension of a multidimensional descriptor (with dimension index starting at 0).
can also be defined using non numerical descriptors such as ‘tonal.key_key’ or ‘tonal.key_scale’.
In that case, the value must be enclosed in double quotes ‘”’, and the character ‘#’ (for example for an A# key) must be indicated with the string ‘sharp’.
Non numerical descriptors can not be indicated using ranges.
For example:
descriptors_filter=(tonal.key_key:"C" AND tonal.key_scale:"major") OR (tonal.key_key:"A" AND tonal.key_scale:"minor")
You can combine both numerical and non numerical descriptors as well:
descriptors_filter=tonal.key_key:"C" tonal.key_scale="major" tonal.key_strength:[0.8 TO *]
The Content Search resource returns a sound list just like Response (sound list).
The same extra request parameters apply (page
, page_size
, fields
, descriptors
and normalized
Setting a target as some descriptor values:
Using multidimensional descriptors in the target:,1,0&fields=id,analysis&descriptors=sfx.tristimulus.mean
Using a Freesound sound id as target:
Using an Essentia analysis file as target:
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Token {{your_api_key}}" -F analysis_file=@"/path/to/your_file.json" ''
Using descriptors filter:"Asharp""major""C"%20AND%20tonal.key_scale:"major")%20OR%20(tonal.key_key:"A"%20AND%20tonal.key_scale:"minor")"C"%20tonal.key_scale="major"%20tonal.key_strength:%5B0.8%20TO%20%2A%5D
Combined Search (deprecated)¶
GET /apiv2/search/combined/
POST /apiv2/search/combined/
This resource is a combination of Text Search and Content Search (deprecated), and allows searching sounds in Freesound based on their tags, metadata and content-based descriptors.
As of December 2023, this resource is deprecated and will be removed in the comming months. Similar functionality will be achievable using the Text Search resource. Documentation about how to do this will be added in due time but in the meantime, please contact us if you need help with this.
Request parameters¶
Combined Search request parameters can include any of the parameters from text-based search queries (query
, filter
and sort
, Request parameters (text search parameters))
and content-based search queries (target
, analysis_file
and descriptors_filter
and, Request parameters (content search parameters)).
Note that group_by_pack
is not available in combined search queries.
In Combined Search, queries can be defined both like a standard textual query or as a target of content-descriptors, and query results can be filtered by values of sounds’ metadata and sounds’ content-descriptors… all at once!
To perform a Combined Search query you must at least specify a query
or a target
parameter (as you would do in text-based and content-based searches respectively),
and at least one text-based or content-based filter (filter
and descriptors_filter
Request parameters query
and target
can not be used at the same time, but filter
and descriptors_filter
can both be present in a single Combined Search query.
In any case, you must always use at least one text-based search request parameter and one content-based search request parameter.
Note that sort
parameter must always be accompanied by a query
or filter
parameter (or both), otherwise it is ignored.
parameter will also be ignored if parameter target
(or analysis_file
) is present in the query.
Combined Search requests might require significant computational resources on our servers depending on the particular
query that is made. Therefore, responses might take longer than usual. Fortunately, response times can vary a lot
with some small modifications in the query, and this is in your hands ;).
As a general rule, we recommend not to use the text-search parameter query
, and instead define metadata stuff in a filter
For example, instead of setting the parameter query=loop
, try filtering results to sounds that have the tag loop (filter=tag:loop
Furthermore, you can try narrowing down your filter or filters (filter
and descriptors_filter
) and possibly make the queries faster.
Best response times are normally obtained by specifying a content-based target
in combination with text-based and
content-based filters (filter
and descriptors_filter
The Combined Search resource returns a variation of the standard sound list response Response (sound list). Combined Search responses are dictionaries with the following structure:
"results": [
<sound result #1 info>,
<sound result #2 info>,
"more": <link to get more results (null if there are no more results)>,
The results
field will include a list of sounds just like in the normal sound list response.
The length of this list can be defined using the page_size
request parameter like in normal sound list responses.
However, Combined Search responses do not guarantee that the number of elements inside results
will be equal to
the number specified in page_size
. In some cases, you might find less results, so you should verify the length of the list.
Furthermore, instead of the next
and previous
links to navigate among results, Combined Search responses
only offer a more
link that you can use to obtain more results. You can think of the more
link as a
rough equivalent to next
, but it does not work by indicating page numbers as in normal sound list responses.
Also, note that count
field is not present in the Combined Search response, therefore you do not know in advance the total
amount of results that a query can return.
Finally, Combined Search responses does allow you to use the fields
, descriptors
and normalized
parameters just like you would do in standard sound list responses.
Combining query with target descriptors and textual filter:
Combining textual query with descriptors filter:
Combining two filters (textual and descriptors):"A"%20tonal.key_scale:"major"&filter=tag:chord
Combining textual query with multidimensional descriptors filter:,analysis&descriptors=lowlevel.mfcc.mean&descriptors_filter=lowlevel.mfcc.mean%5B1%5D:%5B17%20TO%2020%5D%20AND%20lowlevel.mfcc.mean%5B4%5D:%5B0%20TO%2020%5D
Sound resources¶
Sound Instance¶
GET /apiv2/sounds/<sound_id>/
This resource allows the retrieval of detailed information about a sound.
If you’re using this resource to get metadata for each individual result returned after a search request, try
instead to include the fields
parameter in your search request (see Response (sound list)). This will allow
you to specify which metadata is to be returned for each search result, and remove the need of making an extra query
for each individual result.
Response (sound instance)¶
The Sound Instance response is a dictionary including the following properties/fields:
Name | Type | Description |
id |
number | The sound’s unique identifier. |
url |
URI | The URI for this sound on the Freesound website. |
name |
string | The name user gave to the sound. |
tags |
array[strings] | An array of tags the user gave to the sound. |
description |
string | The description the user gave to the sound. |
geotag |
string | Latitude and longitude of the geotag separated by spaces (e.g. “41.0082325664 28.9731252193”, only for sounds that have been geotagged). |
created |
string | The date when the sound was uploaded (e.g. “2014-04-16T20:07:11.145”). |
license |
string | The license under which the sound is available to you. |
type |
string | The type of sound (wav, aif, aiff, mp3, m4a or flac). |
channels |
number | The number of channels. |
filesize |
number | The size of the file in bytes. |
bitrate |
number | The bit rate of the sound in kbps. |
bitdepth |
number | The bit depth of the sound. |
duration |
number | The duration of the sound in seconds. |
samplerate |
number | The samplerate of the sound. |
username |
string | The username of the uploader of the sound. |
pack |
URI | If the sound is part of a pack, this URI points to that pack’s API resource. |
download |
URI | The URI for retrieving the original sound. |
bookmark |
URI | The URI for bookmarking the sound. |
previews |
object | Dictionary containing the URIs for mp3 and ogg versions of the sound. The dictionary includes the fields preview-hq-mp3 and preview-lq-mp3 (for ~128kbps quality and ~64kbps quality mp3 respectively), and preview-hq-ogg and preview-lq-ogg (for ~192kbps quality and ~80kbps quality ogg respectively). |
images |
object | Dictionary including the URIs for spectrogram and waveform visualizations of the sound. The dictionary includes the fields waveform_l and waveform_m (for large and medium waveform images respectively), and spectral_l and spectral_m (for large and medium spectrogram images respectively). |
num_downloads |
number | The number of times the sound was downloaded. |
avg_rating |
number | The average rating of the sound. |
num_ratings |
number | The number of times the sound was rated. |
rate |
URI | The URI for rating the sound. |
comments |
URI | The URI of a paginated list of the comments of the sound. |
num_comments |
number | The number of comments. |
comment |
URI | The URI to comment the sound. |
similar_sounds |
URI | URI pointing to the similarity resource (to get a list of similar sounds). |
analysis |
object | Dictionary containing requested descriptors information according to the descriptors request parameter (see below). This field will be null if no descriptors were specified (or invalid descriptor names specified) or if the analysis data for the sound is not available. |
analysis_stats |
URI | URI pointing to the complete analysis results of the sound (see Analysis Descriptor Documentation). |
analysis_frames |
URI | The URI for retrieving a JSON file with analysis information for each frame of the sound (see Analysis Descriptor Documentation). |
ac_analysis |
object | Dictionary containing the results of the AudioCommons analysis for the given sound. |
The contents of the field analysis
of the Sound Instance response can be determined using an additional request parameter descriptors
The descriptors
parameter should include a comma separated list of content-based descriptor names, just like in the Response (sound list).
Descriptor names can be any of those listed in available-descriptors (e.g. descriptors=lowlevel.mfcc,rhythm.bpm
The request parameter normalized
can also be used to return content-based descriptor values in a normalized range instead of the absolute values.
The parameter fields
can also be used to restrict the number of fields returned in the response.
Complete sound information:
Complete sound information plus some descriptors:,rhythm.bpm
Getting only id and tags for a particular sound:,tags
Getting sound name and spectral centroid values (second example gets normalized centroid values):,analysis&descriptors=lowlevel.spectral_centroid,analysis&descriptors=lowlevel.spectral_centroid&normalized=1
Sound Analysis¶
GET /apiv2/sounds/<sound_id>/analysis/
This resource allows the retrieval of analysis information (content-based descriptors) of a sound.
Although content-based descriptors can also be retrieved using the descriptors
request parameter in any API resource that returns sound lists or with the Sound Instance resource,
using the Sound Analysis resource you can retrieve all sound descriptors at once.
The response to a Sound Analysis request is a dictionary with the values of all content-based descriptors listed in Analysis Descriptor Documentation.
That dictionary can be filtered using an extra descriptors
request parameter which should include a list of comma separated descriptor names chosen from those listed in available-descriptors (e.g. descriptors=lowlevel.mfcc,rhythm.bpm
The request parameter normalized
can also be used to return content-based descriptor values in a normalized range instead of the absolute values.
Full analysis information:
Getting only tristimulus descriptor:
Getting normalized mean mfcc descriptors:
Similar Sounds¶
GET /apiv2/sounds/<sound_id>/similar/
This resource allows the retrieval of sounds similar to the given sound target.
Request parameters¶
Essentially, the Similar Sounds resource is like a Content Search (deprecated) resource with the parameter target
fixed to the sound id indicated in the url.
You can still use the descriptors_filter
request parameter to restrict the query results to those sounds whose content descriptor values comply with the defined filter.
Use descriptors_filter
in the same way as in Content Search (deprecated).
Similar Sounds resource returns a sound list just like Response (sound list).
The same extra request parameters apply (page
, page_size
, fields
, descriptors
and normalized
Getting similar sounds:,analysis&descriptors=lowlevel.pitch.mean&descriptors_filter=.lowlevel.pitch.mean:%5B90%20TO%20110%5D
Sound Comments¶
GET /apiv2/sounds/<sound_id>/comments/
This resource allows the retrieval of the comments of a sound.
Sound Comments resource returns a paginated list of the comments of a sound, with a similar structure as Response (sound list):
"count": <total number of comments>,
"next": <link to the next page of comments (null if none)>,
"results": [
<most recent comment for sound_id>,
<second most recent comment for sound_id>,
"previous": <link to the previous page of comments (null if none)>
Comments are sorted according to their creation date (recent comments in the top of the list).
Parameters page
and page_size
can be used just like in Response (sound list) to deal with the pagination of the response.
Each comment entry consists of a dictionary with the following structure:
"username": <username of the user who made the comment>
"comment": <the comment itself>,
"created": <the date when the comment was made, e.g. "2014-03-15T14:06:48.022">
Get sound comments:
Download Sound (OAuth2 required)¶
GET /apiv2/sounds/<sound_id>/download/
This resource allows you to download a sound in its original format/quality (the format/quality with which the sound was uploaded). It requires OAuth2 authentication.
Download a sound:
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}" ''
Upload Sound (OAuth2 required)¶
POST /apiv2/sounds/upload/
This resource allows you to upload an audio file into Freesound and (optionally) describe it. If no file description is provided (see below), only the audio file will be uploaded and you will need to describe it later using the Describe Sound (OAuth2 required) resource. If the file description is also provided, the uploaded file will be ready for the processing and moderation stage. A list of uploaded files pending description, processing or moderation can be obtained using the Pending Uploads (OAuth2 required) resource.
The author of the uploaded sound will be the user authenticated via OAuth2, therefore this method requires OAuth2 authentication.
Request parameters¶
The uploaded audio file must be attached to the request as an audiofile
POST parameter.
Supported file formats include .wav, .aif, .flac, .ogg and .mp3.
Additionally, the request can include the following POST parameters to provide a description for the file:
Name | Type | Description |
name |
string | (OPTIONAL) The name that will be given to the sound. If not provided, filename will be used. |
tags |
string | The tags that will be assigned to the sound. Separate tags with spaces and join multi-words with dashes (e.g. “tag1 tag2 tag3 cool-tag4”). |
description |
string | A textual description of the sound. |
license |
string | The license of the sound. Must be either “Attribution”, “Attribution NonCommercial” or “Creative Commons 0”. |
pack |
string | (OPTIONAL) The name of the pack where the sound should be included. If user has created no such pack with that name, a new one will be created. |
geotag |
string | (OPTIONAL) Geotag information for the sound. Latitude, longitude and zoom values in the form lat,lon,zoom (e.g. “2.145677,3.22345,14”). |
Note that tags
, description
and license
parameters are REQUIRED when providing a description for the file, but can be omitted if no description is provided.
In other words, you can either only provide the audiofile
parameter, or provide audiofile
plus tags
, description
, license
and any of the other optional parameters.
In the first case, a file will be uploaded but not described (you will need to describe it later), and in the second case a file will both be uploaded and described.
If file description was provided, on successful upload, the Upload Sound resource will return a dictionary with the following structure:
"detail": "Audio file successfully uploaded and described (now pending processing and moderation)",
"id": "<sound_id for the uploaded and described sound instance>"
Note that after the sound is uploaded and described, it still needs to be processed and moderated by the team of Freesound moderators.
Therefore, accessing the Sound Instance using the returned ``id`` will lead to a 404 Not Found error until the sound is approved by the moderators.
If some of the required fields are missing or some of the provided fields are badly formatted, a 400 Bad Request response will be returned with a detail
field describing the errors.
If file description was NOT provided, on successful upload, the Upload Sound resource will return a dictionary with the following structure:
"detail": "Audio file successfully uploaded (<file size>, now pending description)",
"filename": "<filename of the uploaded audio file>"
In that case, you will probably want to store the content of the filename
field because
it will be needed to later describe the sound using the Describe Sound (OAuth2 required) resource.
Alternatively, you can retrieve later a the filenames of uploads pending description using the Pending Uploads (OAuth2 required) resource.
Upload a sound (audiofile only, no description):
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}" -F audiofile=@"/path/to/your_file.wav" ''
Upload and describe a sound all at once:
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}" -F audiofile=@"/path/to/your_file.wav" -F "tags=field-recording birds nature h4n" -F "description=This sound was recorded...<br>bla bla bla..." -F "license=Attribution" ''
Upload and describe a sound with name, pack and geotag:
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}" -F audiofile=@"/path/to/your_file.wav" -F "name=Another cool sound" -F "tags=field-recording birds nature h4n" -F "description=This sound was recorded...<br>bla bla bla..." -F "license=Attribution" -F "pack=A birds pack" -F "geotag=2.145677,3.22345,14" ''
Describe Sound (OAuth2 required)¶
POST /apiv2/sounds/describe/
This resource allows you to describe a previously uploaded audio file that has not yet been described. This method requires OAuth2 authentication. Note that after a sound is described, it still needs to be processed and moderated by the team of Freesound moderators, therefore it will not yet appear in Freesound. You can obtain a list of sounds uploaded and described by the user logged in using OAuth2 but still pending processing and moderation using the Pending Uploads (OAuth2 required) resource.
Request parameters¶
A request to the Describe Sound resource must include the following POST parameters:
Name | Type | Description |
upload_filename |
string | The filename of the sound to describe. Must match with one of the filenames returned in Pending Uploads (OAuth2 required) resource. |
name |
string | (OPTIONAL) The name that will be given to the sound. If not provided, filename will be used. |
tags |
string | The tags that will be assigned to the sound. Separate tags with spaces and join multi-words with dashes (e.g. “tag1 tag2 tag3 cool-tag4”). |
description |
string | A textual description of the sound. |
license |
string | The license of the sound. Must be either “Attribution”, “Attribution NonCommercial” or “Creative Commons 0”. |
pack |
string | (OPTIONAL) The name of the pack where the sound should be included. If user has created no such pack with that name, a new one will be created. |
geotag |
string | (OPTIONAL) Geotag information for the sound. Latitude, longitude and zoom values in the form lat,lon,zoom (e.g. “2.145677,3.22345,14”). |
If the audio file is described successfully, the Describe Sound resource will return a dictionary with the following structure:
"detail": "Sound successfully described (now pending processing and moderation)",
"id": "<sound_id for the uploaded and described sound instance>"
Note that after the sound is described, it still needs to be processed and moderated by the team of Freesound moderators. Therefore, accessing the Sound Instance using the returned ``id`` will lead to a 404 Not Found error until the sound is approved by the moderators.
If some of the required fields are missing or some of the provided fields are badly formatted, a 400 Bad Request response will be returned with a detail
field describing the errors.
Describe a sound (only with required fields):
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}" --data "upload_filename=your_file.wav&tags=field-recording birds nature h4n&description=This sound was recorded...<br>bla bla bla...&license=Attribution" ''
Also add a name to the sound:
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}" --data "upload_filename=your_file.wav&name=A cool bird sound&tags=field-recording birds nature h4n&description=This sound was recorded...<br>bla bla bla...&license=Attribution" ''
Include geotag and pack information:
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}" --data "upload_filename=your_file.wav&name=A cool bird sound&tags=field-recording birds nature h4n&description=This sound was recorded...<br>bla bla bla...&license=Attribution&pack=A birds pack&geotag=2.145677,3.22345,14" ''
Pending Uploads (OAuth2 required)¶
GET /apiv2/sounds/pending_uploads/
This resource allows you to retrieve a list of audio files uploaded by the Freesound user logged in using OAuth2 that have not yet been described, processed or moderated. In Freesound, when sounds are uploaded they first need to be described by their uploaders. After the description step, sounds are automatically processed and then enter the moderation phase, where a team of human moderators either accepts or rejects the upload. Using this resource, your application can keep track of user uploads status in Freesound. This method requires OAuth2 authentication.
The Pending Uploads resource returns a dictionary with the following structure:
"pending_description": [
"<filename #1>",
"<filename #2>",
"pending_processing": [
<sound #1>,
<sound #2>,
"pending_moderation": [
<sound #1>,
<sound #2>,
The filenames returned under “pending_description” field are used as file identifiers in the Describe Sound (OAuth2 required) resource.
Each sound entry either under “pending_processing” or “pending_moderation” fields consists of a minimal set
of information about that sound including the id
, name
, tags
, description
, created
and license
that you would find in a Response (sound instance).
Sounds under “pending_processing” contain an extra processing_state
field that indicates the status of the sound in the
processing step. Processing is done automatically in Freesound right after sounds are described, and it normally takes less than a minute.
Therefore, you should normally see that the list of sounds under “pending_processing” is empty. However, if there are
errors during processing, uploaded sounds will remain in this category exhibiting a processing_state
equal to Failed
Sounds under “pending_moderation” also contain an extra images
field containing the uris of the waveform and spectrogram
images of the sound as described in Response (sound instance).
Get uploaded sounds that are pending description, processing or moderation:
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}" ''
Edit Sound Description (OAuth2 required)¶
POST /apiv2/sounds/<sound_id>/edit/
This resource allows you to edit the description of an already existing sound. Note that this resource can only be used to edit descriptions of sounds created by the Freesound user logged in using OAuth2. This method requires OAuth2 authentication.
Request parameters¶
A request to the Edit Sound Description resource must include mostly the same POST parameters that would be included in a Describe Sound (OAuth2 required) request:
Name | Type | Description |
name |
string | (OPTIONAL) The new name that will be given to the sound. |
tags |
string | (OPTIONAL) The new tags that will be assigned to the sound. Note that if this parameter is filled, old tags will be deleted. Separate tags with spaces and join multi-words with dashes (e.g. “tag1 tag2 tag3 cool-tag4”). |
description |
string | (OPTIONAL) The new textual description for the sound. |
license |
string | (OPTIONAL) The new license of the sound. Must be either “Attribution”, “Attribution NonCommercial” or “Creative Commons 0”. |
pack |
string | (OPTIONAL) The new name of the pack where the sound should be included. If user has created no such pack with that name, a new one will be created. |
geotag |
string | (OPTIONAL) New geotag information for the sound. Latitude, longitude and zoom values in the form lat,lon,zoom (e.g. “2.145677,3.22345,14”). |
Note that for that resource all parameters are optional.
Only the fields included in the request will be used to update the sound description
(e.g. if only name
and tags
are included in the request, these are the only properties that will be updated from sound description,
the others will remain unchanged).
If sound description is updated successfully, the Edit Sound Description resource will return a dictionary with a single detail
field indicating that the sound has been successfully edited.
If some of the required fields are missing or some of the provided fields are badly formatted, a 400 Bad Request response will be returned with a detail
field describing the errors.
Bookmark Sound (OAuth2 required)¶
POST /apiv2/sounds/<sound_id>/bookmark/
This resource allows you to bookmark an existing sound. The sound will be bookmarked by the Freesound user logged in using OAuth2, therefore this method requires OAuth2 authentication.
Request parameters¶
A request to the Bookmark Sound resource can include the following POST parameters:
Name | Type | Description |
name |
string | (OPTIONAL) The new name that will be given to the bookmark (if not specified, sound name will be used). |
category |
string | (OPTIONAL) The name of the category under the bookmark will be classified (if not specified, bookmark will have no category). If the specified category does not correspond to any bookmark category of the user, a new one will be created. |
If the bookmark is successfully created, the Bookmark Sound resource will return a dictionary with a single detail
field indicating that the sound has been successfully bookmarked.
Simple bookmark:
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}" --data "name=Classic thunderstorm" ''
Bookmark with category:
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}" --data "name=Nice loop&category=Nice loops" ''
Rate Sound (OAuth2 required)¶
POST /apiv2/sounds/<sound_id>/rate/
This resource allows you to rate an existing sound. The sound will be rated by the Freesound user logged in using OAuth2, therefore this method requires OAuth2 authentication.
Request parameters¶
A request to the Rate Sound resource must only include a single POST parameter:
Name | Type | Description |
rating |
integer | Integer between 0 and 5 (both included) representing the rating for the sound (i.e. 5 = maximum rating). |
If the sound is successfully rated, the Rate Sound resource will return a dictionary with a single detail
field indicating that the sound has been successfully rated.
If some of the required fields are missing or some of the provided fields are badly formatted, a 400 Bad Request response will be returned with a detail
field describing the errors.
Note that in Freesound sounds can only be rated once by a single user. If attempting to rate a sound twice with the same user, a 409 Conflict response will be returned with a detail
field indicating that user has already rated the sound.
Rate sounds:
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}" --data "rating=5" ''
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}" --data "rating=4" ''
Comment Sound (OAuth2 required)¶
POST /apiv2/sounds/<sound_id>/comment/
This resource allows you to post a comment to an existing sound. The comment will appear to be made by the Freesound user logged in using OAuth2, therefore this method requires OAuth2 authentication.
Request parameters¶
A request to the Comment Sound resource must only include a single POST parameter:
Name | Type | Description |
comment |
string | Comment for the sound. |
If the comment is successfully created, the Comment Sound resource will return a dictionary with a single detail
field indicating that the sound has been successfully commented.
Comment sounds:
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}" --data "comment=Cool! I understand now why this is the most downloaded sound in Freesound..." ''
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}" --data "comment=A very cool sound!" ''
User resources¶
User Instance¶
GET /apiv2/users/<username>/
This resource allows the retrieval of information about a particular Freesound user.
The User Instance response is a dictionary including the following properties/fields:
Name | Type | Description |
url |
URI | The URI for this users’ profile on the Freesound website. |
username |
string | The username. |
about |
string | The ‘about’ text of users’ profile (if indicated). |
homepage |
URI | The URI of users’ homepage outside Freesound (if indicated). |
avatar |
object | Dictionary including the URIs for the avatar of the user. The avatar is presented in three sizes Small , Medium and Large , which correspond to the three fields in the dictionary. If user has no avatar, this field is null. |
date_joined |
string | The date when the user joined Freesound (e.g. “2008-08-07T17:39:00”). |
num_sounds |
number | The number of sounds uploaded by the user. |
sounds |
URI | The URI for a list of sounds by the user. |
num_packs |
number | The number of packs by the user. |
packs |
URI | The URI for a list of packs by the user. |
num_posts |
number | The number of forum posts by the user. |
num_comments |
number | The number of comments that user made in other users’ sounds. |
User information:
User Sounds¶
GET /apiv2/users/<username>/sounds/
This resource allows the retrieval of a list of sounds uploaded by a particular Freesound user.
User Sounds resource returns a sound list just like Response (sound list).
The same extra request parameters apply (page
, page_size
, fields
, descriptors
and normalized
Getting user sounds:,bitdepth,type,samplerate
User Packs¶
GET /apiv2/users/<username>/packs/
This resource allows the retrieval of a list of packs created by a particular Freesound user.
User Packs resource returns a paginated list of the packs created by a user, with a similar structure as Response (sound list):
"count": <total number of packs>,
"next": <link to the next page of packs (null if none)>,
"results": [
<most recent pack created by the user>,
<second most recent pack created by the user>,
"previous": <link to the previous page of packs (null if none)>
Each pack entry consists of a dictionary with the same fields returned in the Pack Instance response.
Packs are sorted according to their creation date (recent packs in the top of the list).
Parameters page
and page_size
can be used just like in Response (sound list) to deal with the pagination of the response.
Getting user packs:
Pack resources¶
Pack Instance¶
GET /apiv2/packs/<pack_id>/
This resource allows the retrieval of information about a pack.
The Pack Instance response is a dictionary including the following properties/fields:
Name | Type | Description |
id |
number | The unique identifier of this pack. |
url |
URI | The URI for this pack on the Freesound website. |
description |
string | The description the user gave to the pack (if any). |
created |
string | The date when the pack was created (e.g. “2014-04-16T20:07:11.145”). |
name |
string | The name user gave to the pack. |
username |
string | Username of the creator of the pack. |
num_sounds |
number | The number of sounds in the pack. |
sounds |
URI | The URI for a list of sounds in the pack. |
num_downloads |
number | The number of times this pack has been downloaded. |
Pack Sounds¶
GET /apiv2/packs/<pack_id>/sounds/
This resource allows the retrieval of the list of sounds included in a pack.
Pack Sounds resource returns a sound list just like Response (sound list).
The same extra request parameters apply (page
, page_size
, fields
, descriptors
and normalized
Getting pack sounds:,name
Download Pack (OAuth2 required)¶
GET /apiv2/packs/<pack_id>/download/
This resource allows you to download all the sounds of a pack in a single zip file. It requires OAuth2 authentication.
Download a pack:
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}" ''
Other resources¶
Me (information about user authenticated using OAuth2, OAuth2 required)¶
GET /apiv2/me/
This resource returns basic information of the user that is logged in using the OAuth2 procedure. It can be used by applications to be able to identify which Freesound user has logged in.
The Me resource response consists of a dictionary with all the fields present in a standard User Instance, plus additional email
and unique_id
fields that can be used by the application to uniquely identify the end user.
My Bookmark Categories¶
GET /apiv2/me/bookmark_categories/
This resource allows the retrieval of a list of bookmark categories created by the logged in Freesound user.
User Bookmark Categories resource returns a paginated list of the bookmark categories created by a user, with a similar structure as Response (sound list):
"count": <total number of bookmark categories>,
"next": <link to the next page of bookmark categories (null if none)>,
"results": [
<first bookmark category>,
<second bookmark category>,
"previous": <link to the previous page of bookmark categories (null if none)>
Parameters page
and page_size
can be used just like in Response (sound list) to deal with the pagination of the response.
Each bookmark category entry consists of a dictionary with the following structure:
"url": "<URI of the bookmark category in Freesound>",
"name": "<name that the user has given to the bookmark category>",
"num_sounds": <number of sounds under the bookmark category>,
"sounds": "<URI to a page with the list of sounds in this bookmark category>",
Users bookmark categories:
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}" ''
My Bookmark Category Sounds¶
GET /apiv2/me/bookmark_categories/<bookmark_category_id>/sounds/
This resource allows the retrieval of a list of sounds from a bookmark category created by the logged in Freesound user.
User Bookmark Category Sounds resource returns a sound list just like Response (sound list).
The same extra request parameters apply (page
, page_size
, fields
, descriptors
and normalized
Getting uncategorized bookmarks:
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}" ''
Getting sounds of a particular bookmark cateogry:
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}" ''
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}" ',previews'
Available Audio Descriptors¶
GET /apiv2/descriptors/
This resource returns information about the available audio descriptors that are extracted from Freesound sounds. These descriptors can be used in content and combined search targets and filters, in similarity search and in the descriptors parameter of any sound list.
The Available Audio Descriptors resource response consists of a dictionary with the list of descriptor names divided in some categories:
"fixed-length": {
"one-dimensional": [
<descriptor name>,
<descriptor name>,
"multi-dimensional": [
<descriptor name>,
<descriptor name>,
"variable-length": [
<descriptor name>,
<descriptor name>,
Descriptors under the field fixed-length
are those that can be used in content, combined and similarity searches.
They are divided among one-dimensional
(descriptors that consist in a single value like spectral centroid or pitch)
and multi-dimensional
(descriptors with several dimensions like mfcc or tristimulus).
Descriptors under the field variable-length
may have different length depending on the sound, are can only be used
in the descriptors
parameter of Response (sound list).
For more information check the Analysis Descriptor Documentation.