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This is a silly clip from a song I made ages ago called "your funeral", a morbid ditty about well, you guessed it, a funeral. I ended up scrapping this vocal track and re-recording it in my chest voice, and then scrapping the song all together because it reminded me too much of oom-pah-pah music. Anyway, if someone can find a way to use it, then more power to 'em! Please credit Katarina Rose if used :-)
Recorded with M-audio fast track, Behringer ultravoice mic, Adobe audition, and clipped down in FL studio.
Wave (.wav)
File size
11.6 MB
Sample rate
44100.0 Hz
Bit depth
32 bit
4 years ago
Your voice is so beautiful =D
4 years, 5 months ago
I use this for a beautiful song, but its just for me
4 years, 5 months ago
Perfect hook for a dark horrorcore hip-hop banger. Thank you
6 years, 7 months ago
You have an amazing voice! I used your vocal clips pack in the free mermaid/siren virtual reality game I made for a game jam (a rapid game development competition), and linked to your page for the vocal clips pack in the attributions. Here's the game: https://andyman404.itch.io/minimalist-mermaid
7 years, 3 months ago