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Recording foley is great. I'm still rather new to it but I really like doing it. Here's a holster foley I recorded with H4N Pro in my room with a cowboy holster and a 357. Hope you enjoy.
AIFF (.aiff)
File size
677.1 KB
Sample rate
96000.0 Hz
Bit depth
16 bit
1 year, 7 months ago
I 5 stared as well. It has a bit of rustle, sounds like a buckle and nice timing on the draw. It gives enough texture to what's happening
1 year, 10 months ago
Used this in a very elaborate podcast intro with a lot of other sounds!
You can check it out here: https://mstdn.ca/@bornunderpunchs/109985345369536110
2 years, 1 month ago
Used again in a similar context. This time the sound sequence is being heard over a speaker, so there is some filtering involved, but everything still comes out clear and identifiable for what it is supposed to be. Thanks again for making this sound available!
Here is how it got used this time:
2 years, 5 months ago
Perfect! Thank you!
2 years, 6 months ago
The perfect sound for a particular audio soundscape I have been working on. Combined with another sound effect of silenced gunshots, this gun unholster foley really helped to bring the scene to life. Thanks for making it available!
Here is how it was used: