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December 28th, 2016
Snare drum hit with treble slightly excited to accentu…
December 28th, 2016
High tom drum hit with ringing EQ'd out
December 28th, 2016
Kick / bass drum hit with ringing EQ'd out
December 28th, 2016
Low tom drum hit with ringing EQ'd out
December 28th, 2016
Mid tom drum hit with ringing EQ'd out
December 28th, 2016
recording of a snare drum
December 28th, 2016
recording of a high rack tom drum
December 28th, 2016
recording of a kick bass drum
December 28th, 2016
recording of a low floor tom drum
December 28th, 2016
recording of a mid rack tom drum
November 27th, 2016
A series of dark hits, good for sweetening a scuffle o…
November 27th, 2016
A series of similar sounding smacky hits, EQd in an ol…