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Adeline Yeo (HP) is an unsigned, Independent Musician in Singapore. Without prior musical knowledge and experience, she stumbled upon a new computer music program and she started her music compositions in her Indie music career or biz. As she continued practising her musical skills, her fingers became more and more nimble ane soon she was able to produce beautiful tunes. She felt that music brightens up her life and she hoped to share it with others as well.
In 2021, Adeline has been in affiliations with BMI and SoundExhange. She has been accepted by Free Music Archive, Tribe Of Noise and Jamendo as their Music Artist and Producer of her original music in their Creative Commons Music Licensing Music Platforms.
Currently, her music releases could be found on popular online music streaming stores invluding; AppleMusic, AmazonMusic, SpotifyMusic, YouTubeMusic, DeezerMusic, Anghami, QQMusic and others.