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UPDATE : For any licensing queries, please e-mail me on ronak@mQube.in
Okay folks,
So it's 2024; and I'm alive & thriving. My venture, mQube, is now an LLP, providing top-notch audio-visual post-production services to clients across the world. Take a look at those on www.mQube.in !
If you want to use my music for commercial purpose, you may support me on Patreon for a $5 monthly pledge and use all of the refeel (for licence) music for free. You can join me on Patreon on : www.patreon.com/RAME. Alternatively, drop me an email for any exclusive / special projects or requirements.
You can know more about me and my journey through music on my official artist website RonakRaval.com. My earlier artist website, the RAME official artist website at RAMEofficial.com, is also functional.
Check out my media venture, mQube Media & Entertainment LLP, on mQube.in, through which we provide commercial media services.
Please visit, explore and subscribe to my YouTube channels below :