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Three short recordings put end-to-end, of Woodstock Gregorian Chimes (Tenor) heard through the boisterous sound of the River Teign just a little downstream of Drogo Weir in the Teign Gorge, Drewsteignton, Devon, UK. Peaceful and relaxing. — Recommended as a sleeping aid.
I made these recordings on 6 February 2013, having retreated from recording chimes high above, where a cold wind forced me to flee. The first was quite near the weir, and the following two were from different positions just a little further downstream, with less overpowering sound from the weir.
Note that the ensuing upload (https://freesound.org/people/Philip_Goddard/sounds/702138/ ) is a creatively processed version of this, with some relatively quiescent sections edited out, which doubles both as as a 'sounds' recording (appropriate for Freesound) and as the second of my 'Nature-Symphonies' series of 'official' music compositions, soon to be presented on my music compositions site, linking to a copy of it on YouTube.
Drogo weir and the quite noisy de-frothing turbulent River Teign continuing on its way (13 November 2018 photo); the river flow was probably about half of what you see here. These recordings were made at different positions close to the river bank on this side, just a very little way further down — the nearest only a bit off to the left here, and the other two positions probably beside the furthest you can see of the river in this view.
Techie stuff:
The recorder was Sony PCM-M10, with Røde DeadKitten furry windshield (original, more effective, version). It was set up on a Velbon Mini tripod.
Post-recording processing was to apply EQ in Audacity to correct for the muffling effect of the windshield — and then more recently stereo widening / sharpening-up using the VST plugin A1 Stereo Control (160% widening).
Please remember to give this recording a rating — Thank you!
This recording can be used free of charge, provided that it's not part of a materially profit-making project, and it is properly and clearly attributed. The attribution must give my name (Philip Goddard) and link to https://freesound.org/people/Philip_Goddard/sounds/702110/
Flac (.flac)
File size
273.6 MB
Sample rate
44100.0 Hz
Bit depth
16 bit