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Bamboo chimes, hung up on trees high up in the Teign Gorge on a very breezy day. These are unbranded cheap locally purchased items but still do a sterling job here although no doubt more expensive precision-made ones would have sounded a whole lot better. The rustic, even 'primitive' sound of the bamboo tubes rattling and scuttling, with a hint of whole-tone scale in their very approximate tuning, has its own invigorating appeal.
I recorded this on 2 January 2014 on the rough slope just below Hunting Gate, which latter marks the highest point of the Hunter's Path, high up on the north side of the Teign Gorge, Drewsteignton, Devon, UK.
This recording taking place. The recorder (light grey furry windshield) is perched on a small branch rather than on a tripod. Note that the small set of chimes is closer to the recorder because of the weakness of its tones compared with the larger set.
Cropped part of main image.
Techie stuff
The recorder was Sony PCM-M10, with Røde DeadKitten furry windshield. It was perched on a tree branch by means of a GorillaPod.
Post-recording processing was to apply EQ in Audacity to correct for the muffling effect of the windshield — and then more recently stereo widening / sharpening-up using the VST plugin A1 Stereo Control (160% widening).
Please remember to give this recording a rating — Thank you!
This recording can be used free of charge, provided that it's not part of a materially profit-making project, and it is properly and clearly attributed. The attribution must give my name (Philip Goddard) and link to https://freesound.org/people/Philip_Goddard/sounds/693843/
Flac (.flac)
File size
224.7 MB
Sample rate
44100.0 Hz
Bit depth
16 bit