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A beautifully spacious and detailed panorama of wind gusts chasing around through the trees high up on the wooded southern slope of the Teign Gorge, Drewsteignton, Devon, UK, with some birds as it's early spring. Ones I noticed were robin (most prominent and frequent), blue tit, coal tit, wren, a couple of brief raven fly-overs, and for a short while a very distant mistle thrush.
On this occasion the recording started with a general force 6 ('strong') wind, giving some dramatic intensely roaring gale-force gusts through the trees, but after about half-an-hour that had dropped down to a less powerful level, and then proceeded gradually to decrease further during much of the recording, though with the odd mildly stronger gusts once in a while. But there was always the background sound of wind in the trees further down in the valley and indeed up the other side — and in the lulls the bird songs and calls were more noticeable.
Total duration of this edited recording is 222' (Yes, 3h 42'!).
I split this into two for uploading here. — This is the second half. The first half can be found at https://freesound.org/people/Philip_Goddard/sounds/680372/ .
This recording taking place. Nearest part of Lower Deer Stalker's Path is just a little way down, off to the right.
Photo taken on the preceding 13 January, from the Lower Deer Stalker's Path, overlooking the valley in the upstream direction. This recording was made a little way above here, off to left and behind camera position.
Techie stuff:
The recorder was Sony PCM-D100, with three nested custom Windcut furry windshields. It was used on a lightweight Hama tripod.
Initial post-recording processing was to use Audacity to apply an EQ curve to compensate for muffling from the furry windshields.
Please remember to give this recording a rating — Thank you!
This recording can be used free of charge, provided that it's not part of a materially profit-making project, and it is properly and clearly attributed. The attribution must give my name (Philip Goddard) and link to https://freesound.org/people/Philip_Goddard/sounds/680373/
Flac (.flac)
File size
601.2 MB
Sample rate
44100.0 Hz
Bit depth
16 bit