The sound of a Merops apiaster. Zoom H6 and a XY stereo microphone were used-
The sound of a soft summer storm in the outsides of Teruel. There is also the sound of the workers doing a reform in a house. El sonido …
The sounds of the children playing on a high-school playground during the break. I used the digital recorder Zoom H6.
The sound of a high school corridor before and after the bell rings for the break. I used the digital recorder Zoom H6.
The sounds of the town and the people in a little bank in the middel of a square in Huesca (Spain). I used the digital recorder Zoom H6.
Fountain of water in the sqare of the cathedral of Huesca (Spain). I used the digital recorder Zoom H6.
Two buskers making music in the downtown of Huesca (Spain). You can also hear the background of the people walking. I used the digital recorder Zoom H6.
The sound of a park in Huesca (Spain). You can hear the children playing and the people hanging out. Also a good sound of the birds and the …
The sound of the sunrise from the top of a building in the downtown of Huesca (Spain). I used the digital recorder Zoom H6.
A little chatter in a bar from Huesca (Spain). Sounds of the waiters working behind the bar and people eating, talking and drinking. I used the digital recorder …
The ambience sound of a little street in the downtown of Huesca (Spain). I used the digital recorder Zoom H6.
A field-recording of the Plaza Navarra square in Huesca (Spain), at midday. You can hear the people walking and talking, and the sounds of the city and the …
Sounds of a student´s house in the little town of Huesca (Spain). They are eating, writing and singing.