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November 23rd, 2020
Recorded May 6, 2020, Barceloneta around 8 in the morn…
November 23rd, 2020
Recorded May 25, 2020, Port Vell, 20h. Church bells in…
November 23rd, 2020
Recorded May 7, 2020, Barceloneta in the evening (peop…
November 23rd, 2020
Recorded July 7, 2020, Barceloneta, 7.25 p.m. Recorded…
May 26th, 2020
- Descripción/Description:: Aplausos a los sanitarios …
May 24th, 2020
Recording date/Fecha grabación: 24 05 2020, h05:00pm D…
May 24th, 2020
Recording date/Fecha grabación: 24 05 2020, h05:00pm D…
May 23rd, 2020
Eight nuns and a priest celebrate Good Friday mass on …
May 23rd, 2020
Recording date: March 29th 2020 (the day before total …
May 11th, 2020
Autor:Pedro Montesinos Date:20200425 Title:"2 o'clock,…
May 3rd, 2020
01-052020 Ejercicio matinal en la azotea último día de…
May 3rd, 2020
Sounds recorded during confinement, on May 3rd 2020, f…