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August 31st, 2017
Dropped a dissolving tablet into a glass of water
August 31st, 2017
Poured some water into a glass.
August 31st, 2017
Recorded the sounds of a chips packet crumbling into s…
August 31st, 2017
Recorded a friend eating an apple.
August 31st, 2017
Recorded a friend eating a zoo cookie, this sound can …
August 31st, 2017
A dissolving tabled dropped into a glass of water, siz…
October 12th, 2015
Recorded on a TASCAM ZOOM H4n with XY capsule set to 9…
October 12th, 2015
Recorded on a TASCAM ZOOM H4n with XY capsule set to 9…
October 12th, 2015
Recorded on a TASCAM ZOOM H4n with XY capsule set to 9…
October 12th, 2015
Recorded on a TASCAM ZOOM H4n with XY capsule set to 9…
October 12th, 2015
Recorded on a TASCAM ZOOM H4n with XY capsule set to 9…
October 12th, 2015
Recorded on a TASCAM ZOOM H4n with XY capsule set to 9…