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Started February 2nd, 2023 · 1 reply · Latest reply by SilverIllusionist 1 year, 11 months ago
Ah, the Resident Evil series. Those of us who've played those games are doubt aware of how - in virtually every game in the franchise - they get a voice actor to dramatically say the game title when you start a new playthrough. "RESIDENT EEEVVIIIIL....FOUR!!!" "OUTBREAK! FILE...TWO."
I thought it'd be funny/a neat creative exercise if we tried to make our own versions of these and eventually share them on Youtube or whatever. It's quite a simple concept. All Capcom has pretty much ever done is get someone to read the title dramatically immediately after some sort of cinematic sting or drum hit. Though I'd probably attempt to make my own sound good, it wouldn't bother me if others don't put in the same effort. If anything, maybe less-effort might be more funny. Feel free to make it as silly, campy or ridiculous as you like.
I'm thinking the only "rules" would be:
- you need to say the title of a resident evil game. It can that of an existing game or even one you make up (RESIDENT EVIL...THE BLOOD OF CHRIS!) Just keep with the theme.
- keep any audio samples short (like maybe ten seconds max).
What do you think?