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This is a recording of the sound of a distinctive place. Hershey Pennsylvania was once a model factory town. The amusement park here has grown to become a top USA tourist attraction, but there are many other, less obvious attractions.
High on a ridge overlooking the valley where the town and amusement park lie is one of them- the Rose Gardens. I have visited this place all my life and it has always been special. At this distance the sights and sounds of the town below are hazy, romantic, and sometimes bizarre.
The recording is just over two minutes of ambient recording from this Rose Garden. There is a great deal of low frequency sound- this is a weekday and there is plenty of traffic (auto and train) in the valley. This all blends together into a great bass note, phase-shifted a bit by the slight breeze.
Nearby there is birdsong to give a sense of place. And all of this is punctuated by the distant ratcheting of the park rides, the occasional toot of the play railroad train, and sounds of children screaming.
Wave (.wav)
File size
21.2 MB
Sample rate
44100.0 Hz
Bit depth
16 bit