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November 1st, 2016
Unwrapping rectangular gift covered in wrapping paper.
November 1st, 2016
Squeezing an almost empty plastic Sunlight dishing was…
November 1st, 2016
Shaking chicken spice in plastic container.
November 1st, 2016
Dragging metal chair on tile floor.
November 1st, 2016
Oil sizzling in hot pot with pop corn seeds.
November 1st, 2016
Rubbing leather jacket with my hands.
November 1st, 2016
Open Window Library with computers and people talking …
November 1st, 2016
Hard uncooked macaroni falling into stainless steel pa…
November 1st, 2016
Swallowing and gulping Powerade.
November 1st, 2016
Grinding and crushing white sugar with a stainless ste…
November 1st, 2016
Female sneeze
November 1st, 2016
Female coughing and sneezing