APIv1 Documentation

NOTE: Freesound APIv1 has reached its end of life and is no longer available.

Welcome to the Freesound API (V1) docs!

With the Freesound API you can browse, search, and retrieve information about Freesound users, packs, and the sounds themselves of course. You can also find similar sounds to a given target (based on content analysis) and retrieve automatically extracted features from audio files. Check out the available APIv1 Resources.

Important information

APIv1 is deprecated. It will continue working until the end of 2014, but from now on we recommend everyone to start using APIv2.

More help

If you need more help after reading these documents or want to stay up to date on any changes or future features of the freesound api or if you would like to request more features for the api, please use our google group:


The Freesound API is a so called RESTful API, meaning that all requests and responses are done with standard HTTP requests.

Base URL

All the REST resources mentioned in the documentation have the following base URL.


There is currently no support for HTTPS, only HTTP.


All requests to the Freesound API need to be signed with your API key. At present this is done simply by adding an ‘api_key’ GET parameter to the end of the URI to be requested. A request to the sounds search resource with API key 12d6dc5486554e278e370cdc49935908 would look as follows.


N.B. The URIs documented on these pages do not show the API keys, but they are definitely necessary.

If authentication fails, you will get a response with status code ‘401 Unauthorized’ and the following content (indeed, all error responses have the same structure):

  "status_code": 401,
  "explanation": "Supplied api_key does not exist",
  "type": "AuthenticationError",
  "error": true

You can apply for API keys at the following URL. Note that you will need a Freesound account.


The documentation will show for each resource how to interact with them. In REST you basically have four types of requests: GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE. Note that not every resource supports all four types.

Resources are always identified by URIs. When the documentation shows a variable URI (e.g. /sounds/<sound_id>) the parameter indicated by the brackets will have to be replaced to get a valid URI.

For example, the following URIs are all instances of the resource indicated by /sounds/<sound_id>.



All the API responses consist of a HTTP status code and the response itself. The status code indicates whether the request was successful or that some error was encountered. The response body holds the data if the request was successful or an error message if it was not.


The format of the response can be specified in the request and can be one of JSON, XML, YAML, and Pickle. We recommend using JSON, as this is currently the only response format we actively test.

To specify the desired response format add a ‘format’ GET or POST parameter to the request. Specify the desired format in lowercase letters as follows:

# example requests for your files, but with different response formats

N.B. The default format is JSON.

Status Codes

It is very important to check the status code of the response and to not assume the request was successful. The following status codes are the codes that are used throughout the API.

HTTP code Explanation
200 OK Everything went as expected, the usual response for GET requests.
400 Bad Request The request was unsuccessful, most likely because the request itself was invalid.
401 Unauthorized The credentials you provided were wrong.
404 Not Found The resource requested does not exist.
405 Method Not Allowed For this resource this HTTP method does not make sense.
5xx An error on our part, hopefully you will see few of these.

JSONP callback

Whenever you need a JSONP callback, add the parameter callback to the request like so:


You’re response will instead of:

{a: 1}


something({a: 1})

Request Identification

When performing multiple requests, the identification with its particular response might become non trivial. For that purpose, any request can be complemented with an optional parameter request_id that will also be included in the response. Just as an example:


will return:

   [...sounds, users, packs data...],
   "request_id": "something"

API’s Resources

Check out the APIv1 Resources.

Clients Libraries

Javascript (recommended version)
Javascript (old version)
As3 (Flash, Flex)
https://github.com/nocive/freesound-php (by nocive)
Download through the Quarks system from within supercollider